Monday, April 30, 2007


I miss sleep. I am preoccupied with the idea of sleep: when will I sleep through the night again? How can I make my child sleep? Why won't he take a damn nap that last more than 30 minutes? Am I creating bad sleep habit and associations despite my every effort to avoid doing just that? I am giving up social engagements in an attempt to get Theo on a proper sleep schedule but it's hard to get him on a schedule when his sleep is so erratic. My new strategy is to start giving him dream feeds at 10pm in the hopes that he will sleep through the night. I might even make the dream feed a formula feed to fill up his belly more. If I can just get him to stop waking up at 1:30 every night it would be a miracle. Last night I thought, if he's waking at 1:30, that's roughly a six-hour stretch of sleep so maybe if I feed him then, he'll be good for another stretch until 7 or so. Nope. He woke up at 2, I fed him and he was awake again at 5:30ish. Fortunately, he happily stayed in his bed until 6. Right now he is squealing in his bed when he is supposed to be sleeping. He only slept for 30 minutes this morning and was up at 8, so at 11:30 he should be asleep again. If I had a large amount of disposable income I would be at a sleep clinic in a heartbeat.

And since my world revolves around Theo these days, the other piece of news is that we think he has a sensitivity to pears and bananas. The rash on his face is back after having bananas yesterday. I wonder if all the fruit I ate when I was pregnant triggered some kind of fruit allergy in him. We'll wait awhile and reintroduce those fruits in another month or so and see what happens. Once the rash has cleared, we're moving on to sweet potatoes.


Blogger Kat Candler said...

So Stacy and I will be creating an online web series called On Parenting for this mobile media company. Our first episode ... how you and your baby can sleep through the night. You'll be the first person we'll send it to. :)

30 April, 2007


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