Washington, DC
What better place to go for Presidents' Day weekend than Washington, DC? Theo and I took the train down on Thursday to visit some friends. The initial impetus was that some Seattle friends were in town so we wanted to see them while they were so close, but we also seized the opportunity to finally visit Tara and Kendrick and meet their little boy, Elliot who is about 6 weeks older than Theo. Here are the buddies:
Theo was terrific on the train and overall did a great job on the entire trip. He is such an easy going little man. When he cries he has damn good reason: tired, hungry, overwhelmed, upset tummy (that's the hardest because it's harder to determine). We did a few touristy things with the Seattle peeps. Here is Theo in front of the Washington Monument:
We came home Sunday afternoon. Rich was waiting for us at the train station. He missed us and is dreading our 10-day trip to England next month (Theo and I are going with my mom).
I'm ready for winter to be over. It's supposed to be in the 40s today which seems downright balmy after barely being above freezing since the end of January. I am so, so ready for spring. It will be such a treat to not have to bundle Theo up everytime we want to go outside. Oh, and DC has such an awesome Metro subway system. I spent the weekend going up and down on escalators and elevators then yesterday we went to Williamsburg to visit Karen and had to carry Theo in his stroller up and down 8 million stairs and even had to go back up and go in a different entry because there was no attendant to open the gate that is big enough for strollers. Ugh. For as much as I love living in a place with so much public transportation, it's inaccessability can be a real pain in the ass making me yearn for a Suburu and the open road!
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