Sunday, November 12, 2006

Happy birthdays

The first "birthday" I would like to acknowledge is Theo's. Yesterday he achieved the one month mark. This also means that Rich and I have survived our first month of parenthood. It has not been easy but the fact that it has been a month already is encouraging. At one month his neck muscles are getting stronger, he is tracking his teddy bear mobile with his eyes, we've heard the first indications of some baby coos and gurgles, he smiles a lot and just yesterday we realized he has moved up a diaper size from newborn to size 1. Rich has to go to Boston for a conference at the end of the week so I will be left alone with him for a couple of days. I'm a little nervous, but mostly because after a day alone with him I am happy to pass him over to Dad to free myself up a bit. I'll just have to dig deep and hope we have a good couple of days...and then I will make Rich take care of him when I get back so I can go have brunch with some girlfriends or something!

The second birthday to acknowledge is my lovely Kitty Kat. Friend, writer, director, daughter, dreamer, sister, wife, aunt, athlete, we have been friends for 20 years and I stand in awe of her dedication and drive and can't wait to see what the next 20 years brings us. God, 20 years from now our kids will be all grown up and I personally plan on taking lots of time for girls' weekends!


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