Friday, January 12, 2007

My "day" so far

It's 10:13am. I put the word day in quotes above because when one is awake every 2-3 hours in the night, sometimes it doesn't feel like there are separate days, just a constant flowing of hours, some light, some dark. Theo "woke up" around 7:30 this morning and, not being ready to wake up myself, I decided to nurse him lying down in the bed so we could both drift back to sleep. I know this is a bad idea. I have told myself over and over again that while it may provide temporary relief, I pay for it later. How? [disclaimer: those who are easily grossed out should stop reading now] Massive amounts of chunky spit-up. He woke up and spit up all over himself so I changed him. Then I picked him up and he spit up again, this time missing himself but getting the bib, the burp cloth and, of course, me. I put him in his infant seat while I cleaned up and got ready to go get coffee because, on top of eveything, we had no coffee in the house so I was throwing on some clothes to walk over to the nearby coffee shop. While in his seat, he pooped but this was no normal poop. Nope. I opened up that outfit to change him and there was poop everywhere. Another outfit down. Strip the kid, wipe off all poop that got all over him during the changing process and start over. Pick him up to go get another outfit from his room (he still sleeps on our room and we use the bassinet changing table for now) at which point he throws up again. This time he only gets me minimally but he destroys his bib and in the process of trying to wipe him up, I am smearing spit up all over him because I grabbed the wrong end of the burp cloth. Clean that up, change his clothes and finally get out the door to my coffee. I notice on the way home that he is getting very sleepy so we get inside and I put him down in the crib. We are working on teaching him to self-soothe so I left him in there for awhile until he started to sound actually upset and not just annoyed. On my way in to check on him, I notice a huge chunk of cat vomit. Are you kidding? Clean that up, soothe the kid a little and walk away. My first victory of the day (well, I guess the second as I would count actually getting the coffee as a victory): Theo put himself to sleep with very little intervention from me. Thank God for small mercies.

Oh, and today marks 10 years since Rich and I started dating. I wish I could take my boy out for a luxurious dinner over which we could drink wine and reflect on the past decade, then maybe take a stroll through the neighborhood in the cold night and talk about the fact that we started in Tallahassee, FL and here we are now in New York City and all the places in between. Instead, we will probably order in, watch a movie and pray that the baby sleeps more than 3 hours "tonight".


Blogger Stacy said...

Mom's are brave and strong and resourceful and resilient. I had throwup in my hair once.
hang in gets easier and less messy, it truly truly does.
Congratulations on 10 years together! Knowing you are both happy and good to each other, partners in the best sense, that alone is remarkable, to add in little Theo, well, Cupid sure knew what she was doing when you and Rich first locked eyes in Florida!

15 January, 2007


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