Friday, May 04, 2007

Tag, I'm it

Kelly tagged me to write seven quirky things about myself so here goes:

1. I hate tomatoes. While I don't think this is particularly odd - because they are disgusting - other people seem to think me strange. However, throughout life I have uncovered a friendly group of like-minded people and we cling together for safety when out to dinner together. One quirk about this hatred, I do like tomato-based products such as sauce (as long as it doesn't have tomato chunks in it) and even sun-dried tomatoes.

2. I also don't like feet. With the exception of my son and sometimes my husband, I just don't like feet touching me. I don't know why but I think they are kind of gross. Perhaps I was from Asia in a previous life (where the feet are considered dirty and it's very rude to wear shoes in the house or temple and certainly never put your feet on another person). That being said, I think I have really pretty feet.

3. I'm a little OCD about tidyness but not really cleanliness. Clutter makes me crazy and I spend a lot of time organizing things into piles but it takes a lot of effort for me to get around to actually filing those piles and I seem to be able to tolerate a dusty desk or a dirty bathroom despite really wanting them to be clean. I need a housekeeper and then all will be well with the world.

4. I have a few grammatical hang-ups. It makes me cringe when people misuse the words "good" and "well". Also, when people use adjectives where one should use an adverb, I say a silent "ly" to correct them. For example: Person X: "He is walking so slow!" Clare (in her head): "ly. Slowly".

5. I have no imagination in the kitchen. When I cook, I have to follow a recipe to the detail. I go through spurts of getting really excited about trying new recipes but then when they don't turn out well I get bitter and twisted about it and we eat pasta and sauce for awhile until I can find the cooking love again.

6. I have really bad gums. Perhaps this isn't quirky, but I don't know anyone else who has such bad gums except, well, my parents (thanks guys). I floss regularly, I use an electric toothbrush, I wear my nightguard, I go to the dentist regularly and I have even started using mouthwash, yet every time I go to the dentist I get scolded for my bad gums. I have actually cried in the dentist's office, not out of pain, but out of frustration.

7. I love lipstick. I search the earth for the perfect lipstick. I have lots of lipstick in similar shades because one dries out my lips, another turns too orange or too pink, etc. But I love buying lipstick and the quest for the perfect one.

Alright. There you have it. I'm sure I will think of a dozen more throughout the day.


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