Friday, April 11, 2008

A little blue

I'm feeling a little bit blue today. No particularly good reason, just a bit off. I had a weird interaction with an online community I am part of so that has me feeling a bit funny, I stayed up too late, yesterday was full-on warm and gorgeous while today is gray and threatening rain and my head is feeling a little fuzzy thanks in part to all the wonderful flowers starting to bloom. I need to go take a shower and eat something other than Samoas (I just ate the last two, thank God). I'm ready for the weekend but in this case it means Rich leaving town for five days and that sucks too. Fortunately I think I found a great babysitter for Theo who also does housework while he's napping so I'm hoping that will help all around - some time to myself a few hours a week and a cleaner house to boot.


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