Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Finally, an update

I have been away from my blog for a long time. I guess I felt like I didn't have that much to report. The holidays ended, the cold weather moved in and I began my virtual sidewalk pounding. I have been sending out my headshot and resume via an online casting board I subscribed too. I have sent to everything from commercial auditions to student films to modeling jobs. I just want to do something. I also started researching teaching opportunities. Through my friend Margaret in Seattle I connected with the Associate Education Director at Manhattan Theatre Club and she gave me some places to start. So, I sent out my teaching resume in hopes it might attract some interest.

In another stroke of luck, my friend Dawnie's husband had a birthday gathering on Sunday night where I met a woman they work with who used to be an actor/director but who has since become a writer. She and I chatted for awhile and after going on at length about how hard it is to be in theatre in this town she asked what I do and when I told her I am an actress she felt horrible. I was actually grateful to get an unedited lowdown from someone who spend 10 years working in the business but she, whether in a burst of guilt or genuine helpfulness, gave me her card and said she would put in touch with some people show knows.

True to her word, today I received three emails from people she knows who work in small theatres here. Then, I had lunch with Victor Pappas (he used to work at Intiman in Seattle but is now at NYU) and he said those people were all terrific, well-respected rising stars who would be great to meet with! Victor, I must say, is a gem. Such a sweet man who speaks from the heart and was so encouraging and optimistic. Meeting with him this afternoon really made my day. I am so excited to meet with these other people and find out how I can get involved.

In other news, Mom came up for a long weekend. She arrived Thursday night and left yesterday afternoon. We went to the MOMA, saw the Human Bodies exhibit (crazy, weird, gross, fascinating, educational, embarassing), saw the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (bought standing room tickets for $25 and I'm glad because it's charming but flawed), ate out a lot and tried to stay warm. I think we all had a great time and it's nice to know that we are so much closer so it will be cheaper and easier to have more quick visits like that.

I think that is a pretty comprehensive update for now. I will try to be a better blogger, I promise.


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