First of many
I had my first publicly embarrassing Mommy moment today. Let me preface this with how the day began: Theo woke up at 5:45 already cranky. He was whiney and clingy, then he fell and hit his head, he grabbed poor Lucy with both hands and was pulling her towards him with a firm handful of her fur and skin (other than trying to escape she didn't utter one sign of complaint - amazing) and then his morning nap ended after 45 minutes so he woke up still cranky and clingy.
I decided to head up to the Farmers' Market for some apples and pears but I needed some cash first. I went into the bank to get cash, gave Theo his bottle which he was still working on and realized that I had left my wallet at home. Now, ever since findings were released that plastic bottles release carcinogens, I switched to glass bottles. Until today, they have held up very well being dropped from the stroller or even the highchair. Well, a perfect storm gathered consisting of the bank's floor, a bottle sick of being dropped, Theo's increasing strength and his foul mood. Just as I was realizing I had left my wallet behind, I hear a loud crash and realize my precious, adorable son has thrown his bottle out of the stroller and it has shattered. Then Theo started to cry. I picked up the glass, offered him his water instead and kept hoping for a helpful employee to come over and tell me not to worry about a thing. I heard someone utter something about a mop so after I picked up the glass and saw no one other than a security guard staring at me, I just turned around and left leaving a big splatter of organic formula milk right in the middle of the floor. I turned around, took Theo to the playground and spent the rest of the afternoon trying not to cry.
Oh, did I mention Rich is out of town? So yes, I have been single parenting since Wednesday and am on my own until Sunday. I just have to hope that this afternoon is better with the benefit of his second nap.
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