Sunday, October 07, 2007


Day 5 of 5 as a single parent. Rich will be home tonight but probably long after Theo and I are both in bed. My day started at 4:45. Yes, A.M. Theo slept intermittently until 6am but just as I was about to fall back to sleep he would start crying again - first a wet diaper, then a dirty diaper, then hungry, then ready to get up. The worst part of these early mornings is that it shortens my patience. I'm so tired that it's hard for me to dig deep enough when he is being whiney. And wouldn't you know, he has another cold now so he is very whiney. I have a mountain of housework to do before all the grandparents come for his birthday and I have been trying to get some of it done but he's taking such short naps I'm getting nowhere fast. Or yesterday I allowed myself a nap so I spent 20 minutes cleaning up the kitchen then tried to sleep for 30 minutes. It was fitful at best and then just before my alarm was set to go off, Theo woke up leaving me no time to eat lunch.  Now I'm just feeling paralyzed. I should be either sleeping or cleaning, but I'm too tired to clean and I'm afraid to try to sleep because what if he wakes up? Then I will still have a dirty house and I'll be just as tired. So instead, I sit here writing this dumb blog entry. Lucky you.


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