Friday, November 16, 2007

New favorite joke

For many, many years, this was my favorite joke:

Q: Why do seagulls live by the sea?
A: Because if they lived by the bay they'd be bay-gulls

OK, since I'm cracking up as I write that, maybe it's still my all time favorite joke. At our high school baccalaureate ceremony Kat and I kept repeating it to each other so we wouldn't cry.

However, this gem comes courtesy of Stacy:

Q: Why don't Buddhists vacuum in the corners?
A: Because they don't have any attachments.

It kills me.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


10 is the number of loads of laundry I have done in the last two days. I hate doing laundry.

Monday, November 12, 2007

All the ladies in the house

Kelly backin' that bootie up

Karen and Tanya

The 90210 shot (in 11222)

Theo and his doting aunties

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The ladies, the ladies

This weekend I will get to spend time with many of my best girlfriends in the entire world. Kat has been here since Sunday and I have been lucky enough to have her stay with me the last several days. Rich has been out of town but with Kat here the days have flown by. Tonight I have to give her up to Karen which is only fair, but I will miss having her here and I think Theo will too. Other than my mom, she is the only person he sees infrequently that he didn't need to warm up to. He gives her a big smile in the morning and he's happy to see her when she walks in the door. She's also been washing all my dishes which has been amazing.

This afternoon Ama and Kelly Rae arrive and tomorrow night we are having a big slumber party at Karen's place. It will be my first night away from Theo. I'm looking forward to catching up with my girls and going out to a baby-free brunch on Saturday morning. It's the simple things, like baby-free brunches, that I really enjoy these days.