Thursday, January 10, 2008

NYC Pet Peeve

My biggest pet peeve at the moment is people who stop their cars in the crosswalk. They are the ones who don't want to get caught at the light so they pull forward even though there is no place for them to go other than the pedestrian crosswalk. There are a couple of very busy roads in my neighborhood where this happens a lot and it makes me crazy. Initially, it made me crazy because I was a Seattle pedestrian i.e., accustomed to having cars stop at crosswalks, even without a traffic light to tell them to do it. Now it drives me crazy because I have to navigate a stroller through that tangled mess and grit my teeth hoping that A) Theo won't have respiratory problems for breathing in what's spewing from people's tailpipes and B) there won't be some freak fender bender that is just enough to send the car I am walking in front of right into Theo and me. It makes me so irate that I have actually become one of those crazy people who yells at the drivers for their mistake. I make eye contact with them, point at my stroller and say "THIS IS A CROSSWALK!!" In my head, they are saying to themselves, "Oh my goodness! I am such an oblivious idiot. I didn't even think that me stopping in the middle of a crosswalk might endanger a small child. I will never, ever do such a stupid thing again." In my head, I am changing NYC drivers one lunatic rant at a time.


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