Friday, April 21, 2006

12 things to be happy about - in no particular order

1) It's spring!

2) Strawberry juice from Trader Joe's


4) Finding old friends on My Space

5) "Cheetos" that are made with natural ingredients so I don't have to feel quite so guilty eating them

6) Karen got a job at Conde Nast!! She's not in editorial yet, but at least she has her foot in the door and in a position that offers mobility within the company. CN is consistently rated the top company for freelance writers to work for so they must treat their permanent employees really well too. This also means health benefits and paid vacation! You go Karen! I am so proud of you.

7) My friend Tommy. I met Tommy when he interned at ACT, several years ago now. Our desks were right next to each other. He is now finishing up the playwrighting program at Juilliard. I saw a show he co-wrote last night and it was great, but not only that, he also has a commission from the Williamstown Theatre Festival and has TWO plays in the O'Neill Festival. Man. Those are two of the top theatre festivals in the country. It is so awesome to watch his star rise.

8) Kat's getting married two weeks from Sunday.

9) Rich and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary this week. Last year was a big year for us. Rich finished his faculty interviews, got 3 offers, we had to decide where to move, we moved to New York City, we went to China, we rode our bikes 304 miles from Seattle to Portland and we got pregnant. Holy crap. Not only did we stick through it all together, but actually still really like each other.

10) Strawberries are in season.

11) We have awesome cats.

12) The Red Sox are ahead of the Yankees so far this season - take that Damon, you rat bastard.


Blogger kelly rae said...

cool! karen got THE job!
lovin your lists.

21 April, 2006


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