Thursday, March 02, 2006

Baptism by taxi

I had a real Carrie Bradshaw moment today. Did a beautiful stranger look into my eyes and make me blush? No. Did I find the perfect pair of shoes? No. Was I splashed by motherfucking taxi driving through a 3 foot deep puddle as I walked down the sidewalk? Yes! [please watch the opening credits of Sex in the City if you don't know what I am talking about] I am so pissed right now. The weather is as shitty as shitty can get - raining enough to drench you but snowy enough that you could slip and break your tailbone at any moment. I was covered head to toe in an E. Houston Street puddle. I saw it coming but there was no way I could avoid getting splashed. It's not like I was walking along the curb of the sidewalk or anything, I was squarely in the middle. But that puddle was so big and that taxi was going so fast that even if I had just stepped out of the doorway of the store next to me I would have been splashed.

The really sad part is that I really need to eat lunch after my rehearsal this morning and was just making my way to the bank machine to get out some cash to buy a sandwich. Instead, I had to come home, change and find something in our bare kitchen. But there isn't much so I am going to have to find a new coat to wear, new gloves and then go back out there into that madness. I was supposed to go do some marketing errands for the theatre I am volunteering for but that will just have to wait until tomorrow.


Blogger Clare Jane said...

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04 March, 2006


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