Sunday, June 25, 2006

World Cup melodrama

Athletes are supposed to be tough, right? Especially in a contact sport like, say, soccer, right? I am equal parts amused and frustrated with the high drama I am witnessing on the pitch during this World Cup. Players who fall down and clutch their shins, who get knocked over and then grasp and moan until the doctors come out, they get carried out on a stretcher and then 2 minutes later are back out on the field as if nothing happened. Now, I recognize that this is a strategy to allow their teammates to catch their breathe and a drink of water but I mean really. It's just so utterly ridiculous the way these tough, incredibly in shape, grown men behave like little girls - in fact, I know little girls who don't go down as easily. It's so pathetic and obvious that I think FIFA should crack down on the drama. If you get carried off on a stretcher, you don't come back. Nonsense, I tell you, nonsense.


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