Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Movin' on up

Rich and I are moving to a two bedroom apartment next week. Well, I should say, Rich, "Chester" and I are moving since the little one is the reason we got the new place anyway. Give credit where credit is due and all. So now we have the great fun of packing all over again. Fortunately, we are only moving two floors up and the amazing people that work with Rich have all volunteered their services to help us out since I can't really do much. My job has been to coordinate all the details of the move including arranging the lease signing appointment, calling all of our service providers to get lights, cable, etc. changed and I am also Box Hunter. Boxes are practically currency in this city. I looked on Craig's List to see if anyone was getting rid of boxes and most people were actually selling them. Entrepreneureal yes, perhaps, but $100 for a bunch of used boxes? I think not. Fortunately, we live in a big building and someone has just moved in so today I spied a bunch of moving boxes out by the dumpster and one of the maintainance guys helped me load a bunch into the service elevator and up to our apartment. So, between those and the ones Rich is bringing home from the office, we should be good. Since we're moving such a short distance we pretty much just need boxes for CDs, books, dishes and a few miscellaneous items - the rest can just be carried up as is.

Anyway, I am very excited to get a bigger place and to get the baby's room ready. I have a ton of baby laundry to do and put away and I'm eager to just feel a bit more organized before the little guy gets here (which, for those of you not keeping track, is approximately 8 weeks away).

Still feeling pretty decent. Heartburn has been acting up again and my feet have finally begun to swell. I was beginning to feel a bit haughty that I didn't have any feet or ankle swelling as so many other pregnant women do. I kind of love that the humbling process of parenthood has already begun. People really pump you up when you're pregnant - "you look great", "congratulations", "you're glowing", etc. Then you get the swollen feet, the gas and other more personal grossness and you are quickly brought back down to earth.


Blogger kelly rae said...

thank goodness for the bigger apt! i'm gonna miss you this weekend!

15 August, 2006

Blogger Kat Candler said...

i can't wait to come see you guys!!! hope you had a blast in seattle.
lots and lots and lots of love.

17 August, 2006


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